Utility Distribution


UNL distributes steam, chilled water and electricity from a Utility Plant on each campus.

Steam is distributed through large, underground pipes and its energy is converted to hot water or used directly as steam to heat buildings and processes. The condensate (condensed steam) is returned to the plants for reuse.

Chilled water is also distributed and returned through large underground pipes and is used for cooling buildings. Most chilled water is used in large fan systems which deliver cold air through ducts to individual rooms.

Electricity is distributed at high voltage to transformers at each building. The transformers reduce the voltage before the electricity is used in the building. Many of the larger buildings also have emergency electric generators, powered by natural gas or diesel. These start automatically when the normal electrical service to that building is interrupted.

Some UNL buildings receive natural gas (for heat, cooking or lab use) or electricity (general use) directly from our municipal providers: Black Hills Natural Gas and the Lincoln Electric System.

Utility TrenchWorkers service one of the many utility lines that cover campus.

Chilled water pumpChilled water is circulated throughout campus using large pumps.

Utility TrenchWorkers service one of the many utility lines that cover campus.

ValvesThe flow of steam and chilled water throughout campus are controlled by large valves.

Utility TrenchContractor is installing new utility lines on East Campus.

Electrical ductworkElectrical distribution ducts leaving one of the utility plants.